Kategoriarkiv: Film & Tv

Stolthet og fordom

Av | 28. mars 2010

Har fiksjonen tatt rotta på virkeligheten? Denne uken startet TV2 Zebra sendingene fra den niende (!) sesongen av Simon Cowells monsterpopulære American Idol. I Norge, hvor vi for lengst har blitt vant til å betrakte sangkonkurransen som distinkt 2000-talls, kan det virke merkelig at Idol i det hele tatt fortsatt eksisterer, men i USA er… Les mer »

Why The ‘Mad Men’ Crowd Should Stand Up For ‘A Single Man’

Av | 11. mars 2010

In an ideal world, every new movie could be consumed in a vacuum. It’s what I love about film festivals. There, I have the chance to watch movies without having read anything about them beforehand; no reviews, no box-office reports, maybe not even a list of movies the lead has been in previously. But most… Les mer »

‘It’s capitalism, I guess, but it’s not be applauded’

Av | 21. januar 2010

«I’m like my grandmother, I stereotype. It’s faster,» says Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) in an Up in the Air line so cynically clever I half assumed that I was going loath myself for enjoying his company. But Jason Reitman recession-minded satire makes so sense perfectly within its own universe that it actually comes out as… Les mer »