Look, it’s the Fight’n’Bite Hit-Squad
In The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the soulless vampire and the shirtless werewolf team up to take them evil-doers down.
In The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, the soulless vampire and the shirtless werewolf team up to take them evil-doers down.
Har fiksjonen tatt rotta på virkeligheten? Denne uken startet TV2 Zebra sendingene fra den niende (!) sesongen av Simon Cowells monsterpopulære American Idol. I Norge, hvor vi for lengst har blitt vant til å betrakte sangkonkurransen som distinkt 2000-talls, kan det virke merkelig at Idol i det hele tatt fortsatt eksisterer, men i USA er… Les mer »
In an ideal world, every new movie could be consumed in a vacuum. It’s what I love about film festivals. There, I have the chance to watch movies without having read anything about them beforehand; no reviews, no box-office reports, maybe not even a list of movies the lead has been in previously. But most… Les mer »
Dette årets Oscar-utdeling er av langt de fleste ansett som nokså kjedelig – ikke fordi de nominerte er dårligere eller kjedeligere enn ellers, men fordi det meste virker nokså avgjort på forhånd.
I natt samles Hollywood-eliten atter i Kodiak Theatre i Los Angeles for å feire seg selv og at alt ikke er kullsvart innen kommersiell filmkunst på tross av at Obama sliter med å få presset helsereformen gjennom Senatet og arbeidsledigheten fortsatt er høyere enn vi liker å sette pris på.
About one hour into Chris Columbus’ new teen adventure franchise in-the-failing Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, one of Mr. Jackson’s side-kicks desperately utters the phrase “Man, this is bad”. I’d appreciated the heads up in the opening credits, numbskull.
«I’m like my grandmother, I stereotype. It’s faster,» says Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) in an Up in the Air line so cynically clever I half assumed that I was going loath myself for enjoying his company. But Jason Reitman recession-minded satire makes so sense perfectly within its own universe that it actually comes out as… Les mer »
I knew this list thing was going to be hard, but when I couldn’t even decide a proper name for the list, I was on the verge of giving up. By naming it My Favorite Movies Of The Decade I’m trying to say two things. First, to underline how such lists will and should always… Les mer »